Terms of service

By using this website Magic Lamp VPN, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions cover all current and future features available with your Magic Lamp VPN account, individually or collectively referred to as "Services".

service users

The service is only available to individuals over the age of 13, or minors with parental or legal guardian consent to open and maintain an account.
This service is provided to individuals only. Accounts registered through "robot" or automated methods are unauthorized and will be terminated.
Each user is responsible for all actions related to the use of the service.

Usage Policy and Prohibited Activities

The Services may not be used for activities prohibited by Swiss law. To protect its services from being misused, abused, or used to harm others, the company enforces rules that apply equally to every user, regardless of subscription type. You expressly agree not to use the Service to:
Access/Share/Download/Upload illegal content, including but not limited to child pornography or content deemed to be child pornography;
Based on gender, sexual orientation , religion, race, ethnicity, age, national origin or disability, harass, abuse, insult, hurt, defame, libel, demean, intimidate or discriminate against; solicited advertisements or content (“spam”);
attempts to access, probe, or connect to a computing device without proper authorization (i.e., any form of “hacking”);
violating or Infringe our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others;
promote illegal activities, or provide means for others to engage in illegal activities by providing instructional information/help others engage in illegal activities;
any user who participates in the above activities Accounts will be suspended immediately without notice. In addition, you may be liable for any and all losses incurred by Company, including any amounts collected by any outside entity as a result of the foregoing violations, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and costs.

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